Friday, July 1, 2011

Flower from the past

Today I am very happy. Reason: I got an email from my first friend that her marraige is fixed. If I think logically, this is just another phase in our lives. But at this moment, logic is the one inappropriate. :)

I was sitting worried in my office thinking about where my life is going and what worries I have today and tomorrow when I read her mail. It isnt this dramatic but it make me smile everytime I think of it. Everytime I think and I try to remember how time flew. Frankly I dont remember the minute details. But I remember so many bits and pieces that I can talk about it for long...and more importantly smile about it.
Like I did today..smiled all evening...remembered soo many past people, places, fond memories.
I treasure the years when our friendship flourished with our innocence. And since I remember many of the pieces, she was and is one of my best friends.

Im not sure how it will be when I see her after past 12-13 years, but am dying to see her. I know her family and she knows mine. We werent in touch for quite some time, but even then I can recognize her voice her and her moms voice....See you soon Priti!! Touch-wood!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A trip back home

Sitting in the library with a resolution to improve my scores. I have a a small three line time table in hand describing the next three hours. No disturbances. Silently in a corner of the room full of books i sit in a three walled table. I have the right page open in front of me.
Dad is online. I ask about everyone and get back to the page. Mind isn't there. I shut my eyes to find where it went...
And i see/feel...
I'm sitting right beside mom and telling what i was doing at office... but actually im sitting in a straight chair in the library.
I have a plate in front of me with rice,Dal,bhaji,raita and a fridge full of items that would run us days and I would be oblivious to when it gets empty and fills back...
I am sitting in front of the TV chatting with my grandma how illogical some series can be ...
I see my bro grow up... I see myself on a couch that was chosen by me ...I have a PC though infested viruses umpteen times but i love it coz it was my first owned PC. I could fight for it...I feel the happiness of having an enlightening family discussion and an argument with dad as if I was a biggie already..
I stand in the kitchen of my house...seeing the marble , whose every crack and scratch is known to me. I stand on the tiles of my house , cool and smooth. The fan rotates giving the feeling of a slight breeze within the house... I have a phone that has gone dead at times but i know the keys and dial any of my friends std worries....
I stand at the grocery store and I know the bhaiya ..he gives me a smile and gets me what I asked for...Now back home, I leave my things on the table and leave as if I have never been taught to be careful...
Deep inside i know I am far but yet, all these details have survived.
I open my eyes and I am back in the brick walled 9 floor library(yes it is huge and I am proud to be here).My cheeks feel wet and cold...But I loved the journey and never knew I could get so far away and feel so close while I day dream.

A Thousand splendid colors

Yes I wanted the title to be dramatic because thats how the weather has become!
All sorts of beautiful colors everywhere and just like in the movies, a pleasant weather every other day. And in such a weather which demands quality time to be spent amidst nature,..we sit with our books around us and a laptop on the lap...staring at a miniature low-resolution copy of the beauty outside...And to add to it, we have our assignments open demanding our attention.

Nevertheless, going to classes becomes the best reason to enjoy a short walk in this beautiful weather. Putting up some pics for a change. Though these are not high resolution but should give a fair idea of what Im talking about. :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


when people are there im happy
when people are there and unhappy; im unhappy
what am i feeling?
oh man! im decoding my feelings to understand me!..
but isnt that recursion ? Whats the end criteria? Will i ever get it ?

Will i find my passion in the similar way that will not need external parameters in my
function ? Have I created a computational model of myself already ?
Does that mean i can be artificially techno-cloned?

Have I gone mad ? :D

This is what happens when you think too much :D. Just live it and enjoy it(life)! :)

Drifting away every now and then...

I drift away and then I come back.....
I drift away and then I come back.....
I realise. I study. i drfit away and then I come back ....
I need the passion potion..was that the drink that gets you to your dreams/passions?
Am I again drifting away ...

Its the pressure to blame!

Far and Close

I love it when distances hardly matter when it comes to friends and erlatives....
When they start to matter it hurts slightly ...
When friends write mail as if Im a few miles(Yeah Ive started using miles instead of Km :D) away ..
When people invite despite the distance..
When parents speak as if nothing has changed(actually nothing does except the location). Parents will remain parents...:)
When I tell my bro about funny stuff here and he laughs as if he spotted it too ..:)
When i see the pics of my friends and feel as if i was almost there....


Twas great experience landing in a foreign country with only a couple of newly made friends. It was great because everything ahead was full of uncertainty and yet it was fun.
That hardly happens normally.

Raleigh isnt like the America we see in the movies. Its life is its University and its events, unlike NewYork where the life is the hustle bustle of money making people. The town is painted with the theme of the University and the spirit comes alive at the University football(which is not the indian football which is called soccer here) matches. The apparel stores in the Campus sell almost everything with a NCSU symbol on it. Right from shirts to slippers bottles, laptops etc.

People of all sizes, shapes and colors are accomodated and accepted here with equal respect unlike in India. Nobody actually interfers in each others lives. The best part of the people here is that they are the most "Free" people I have seen in my life. They are never held by any inhibitions of living in society because the society is open enough to accomodate vast differences(in people) and frequent changes(in the status quo). I hope I am able to attain atleast a little of the freedom that they withold. And like our people there are good bad and the ugly but intensity of each is higher. The good are more good. The bad are bad enough but not enough to crush the good. And ugly...I guess thats perspective-specific.

In all, a lovely place and Im loving it :)